Identify trends 6 months before they take off

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social posts analyzed

Consumer Data

See what is trending on Tiktok, Instagram, Youtube and Google Searches in one dashboard.

Granularity gathers data from social media and search engines to predict trends.

Hottest social media sites.
Find trends across TikTok, Instagram, YouTube and others.
One Dashboard.
View all trends in one dashboard.
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Artificial Intelligence

Get AI based predictions 3-6 months out.

Leverage Granularity's AI models to find what's trending, where and how.

Forecasts with AI.
See what will be trending in 3-6 months with our advanced statistical, AI, and ML models.
NLP Summaries.
Get summaries of trends with our NLP models.
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Customized to your needs.

Select and modify the topics you need to track.

We track trends across a large range of categories. In the onboarding process, you tell us which topics are important to your business.

Customized for you.
Select and modify the topics you need to track. Work with our team to get the best results.
Dozens of categories.
We track trends across a large range of categories which are growing every week.
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Double click into specific trends to see why they are growing.

See our AI summary, data, insights, top social posts, and more for each trend.

Deep insights.
View google search history, social media posts, and more.
Trend indicators.
See if our models predict a trend will grow, stable, or decline.
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Social Media Posts

Save time on scrolling by viewing the top posts in each category.

Granularity shows you the top posts for each trend, so you don't have to scroll through thousands of posts.

Top posts.
See only the top posts by like count or play count for each trend.
In one place.
View all top posts in one place.
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See how next gen social listening can transform your business.

Granularity has worked with some of the largest retailers in North America to implement advanced data and social listening use cases to transform marketing and merchandising processes and teams.

Boost engagement by 3x to 5x
By strategically sharing content related to these trends during their ascent, brands can enhance their engagement and ride the wave of growing interest.
Reduce CPM by 2 to 3%
Crafting highly engaging content that drives organic reach, diminishing the reliance on paid media and fostering significant growth in organic media engagement.
Decrease research by 5 to 10 hrs/week
Allowing teams to focus on execution rather than scrolling through social media for ideas.

Stop chasing the market. Start leading it.
Get a demo of our AI today.